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Water Makers Bahamas, Bahamas Desalination, Solar Panels Bahamas

Solar power Solar light
Done right

Reduce your carbon footprint.

Resilience and efficiency in one.

We can help!

Solar Power solutions based on traditional solar panels

Solar roof tiles for integrated solar power in the roof itself

Solar street lights, no cabling, resilient solution, easy to install

Solar bollards, Aesthetically and  technically superior

Water Makers Bahamas, Bahamas Desalination, Solar Panels Bahamas

Quality is in the details

Quality in the installation ensures longer lifespan and problem free operation

Water Makers Bahamas, Bahamas Desalination, Solar Panels Bahamas

Let your roof power your house

Active solar tiles makes your roof produce the power you need
Our solar tiles are hurricane proof to the highest wind velocity standards
The solar tiles are as effective and the best solar panels


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Water Makers Bahamas, Bahamas Desalination, Solar Panels Bahamas

Residential Solar

Our solar energy solutions are perfect for all your residential needs. Ideal for renewable energy for island life, especially in the Bahamas where we have an abundance of sun to use as a renewable resource. An excellent solution for cutting your energy bills and reducing your carbon footprint.

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Water Makers Bahamas, Bahamas Desalination, Solar Panels Bahamas

Commercial Solar

Solar power systems are ideal to offset commercial overheads using the Bahamas #1 renewable resource, our sun.

Solar energy is an excellent clean and renewable energy source and a highly effective energy-saving innovation.

Solar Lights:
Practical design.
Easy to implement
Resilient to all our climate challenges

Perimeter lighting

Attractive and eco-friendly advantages

Customizable illumination paired with a sleek, modern design. Curate your desired ambiance in an appealing package that is both durable and functional while reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Water Makers Bahamas, Bahamas Desalination, Solar Panels Bahamas

Solar streetlights

Versatility, functionality and simplicity

No cabling required. Mast can be laid down in case of hurricanes. Light intensity and color temperature cofigurable

Water Makers Bahamas, Bahamas Desalination, Solar Panels Bahamas

Solar bollards.

Aesthetically and technically superior

Compact, single-unit design perfect for illuminating drive ways, docks, water-fronts, and pathways. The bollards puts the light on the ground with out polluting your view of the stars. Second to none design in marine-grade materials to withstand salt water and salt spray exposure.

Water Makers Bahamas, Bahamas Desalination, Solar Panels Bahamas

Contact Us

+1 (242) 447 5344


Quality of Life

AqSol is a Bahamian company founded on a vision to make life in the Bahamas easier.

© 2023 by AqSol - Bahamas

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